Insuring Your Jewelry and Other Valuables

Insuring Your Jewelry and Other Valuables

Are you planning on gifting (or getting) jewelry anytime soon? Maybe you inherited your father’s old pocket watch or firearm. Or, maybe you just splurged on an expensive painting or sculpture to decorate your new place. If you own any type of valuable item that is...
Fire & Ice – Your Guide to Winter Preparation

Fire & Ice – Your Guide to Winter Preparation

Winter is coming and for homeowners this means being prepared for the utmost extremes, both the frightful and delightful! With beautiful blankets of white snow come picturesque landscapes, family sledding and, well, the threat of ice dams. Ice dams form when the roof...
Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

Many find the winter holidays their favorite time of year with colorful decorations, warming their feet by the fire, hanging ornaments from the mantle and the special activities with friends and family. However, before hanging those ornaments by the fireplace, make...